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Intro- The Truth about Hope and Pain

I've been described by people I love dearly as "the most hopeful person they know". But Life's recent avalanches have sent me on a journey to recover my hope. We all have things that try to take our hope away- be it a relationship struggle, a struggle with our health, or any of the numerous ways life can cause us  pain.This Blog is called "recovering hope" because I am in recovery from painful circumstances and I am recovering my hope. Hope is always under attack because belief in God is always under attack. Let's face it- nothing can quite make you doubt God like pain. Nothing can make you doubt in general like pain. I am convinced God does not cause us pain. But He has a plan for pain. Pain can be a result of our own bad choices or from others. Or as john 10:10 states "The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.". B-u-t... There is also hope- God  said that we would have life! Not just a little bit of life but life to the full! I am not p

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